Service, Fellowship, and Education
At Lee’s Summit Christian Church, we believe we were created to live in community. Our foundation is based on relationships, therefore, we are relationally driven, not program driven. No matter your age, you will find multiple opportunities to connect with one another through service, fellowship and education.
We invite you to find areas of interest and share life together with your church family.

Adult Christian Education Opportunities

Life Groups:
Delve more into each week’s scripture as well as minister to each other in a small group setting by becoming a part of our Life Group Ministry. Life Groups offer the opportunity for study in a small group setting at a time throughout the week, not necessarily Sunday morning. A few groups meet at the church, but there are also those who have elected to meet in someone’s home allowing for more opportunity to connect on a personal level. Contact Rev. Dr. Matthew Silvers ( to learn more about Life Groups or to join a group.
Sunday School
Experience fellowship and study in one of our Sunday morning classes at 10am. Below is a list of classes that will be in session each week:
- Companions in Christ, Room 111
- G.I.F.T., Room 113
- Generations, Parlor
- Looking Forward, Large Quad
To become connected with a Sunday school class or Life Group please contact Rev. Dr. Matthew Silvers (

Join Us where love is served
Come this Sunday! Stop at the Hospitality Desk and we’ll get you started. Feel free to call (816) 524-3616 or click here and we will reach out to you.
Women's Ministry Opportunities
Our Women’s Ministry provides numerous opportunities for spiritual enrichment, enabling women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the mission of the Church. There are seven groups, named after Biblical women of faith, that meet monthly. All women are encouraged to share in the fellowship, faith, friendship and service.
Meets at 9:30 a.m., 2nd Monday in the parlor
Meets at 6:30 p.m., 2nd Monday in the parlor

April – Blessing Boxes
May – All Church Garage Sale & Least Coin Offering
June – Hope House Mother’s Shower
September – Church World Services Festival of Sharing
October – Festival of Sharing Ingathering
December – Christmas Auction & Cheerbaskets
Vacation Bible School
Fellowship Dinners
Funeral Dinners
New Baby Dinners
Best Choice & Campbell’s Label Collection