Our Story
Growing with Lee's Summit
Our congregation was chartered in 1870 by 12 founding members. The history of a church is much more than the history of its buildings, but the growth of a congregation is often reflected in the changes in their church building. The first building was completed in 1873 at 4th and Douglas, a one room building that was torn down in 1897 to be replaced by a new building at a cost of $3,300 in 1898. In 1948 that building was destroyed by a fire and replaced in 1949. In the 1980s it became apparent that if the church were to grow, a new location was needed. In 1985 the church dedicated the current building at 800 NE Tudor. Recognizing that a major addition would help promote strong Christian education programs and our Stepping Stones Preschool, a new wing was built and opened in 1999. We are proud to stand with other local churches as beacons of light for our community.

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Our Vision
For over 150 years, LSCC has been helping people to find new life in Christ. We’ve grown with the community and have been a presence in countless ways to help to make this a great place to live. Our vision is to help people encounter the living God through worship, study and service so that we can be witnesses to God’s love in life-changing ways from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.
We’ve not only helped Lee’s Summit grow; Lee’s Summit has helped us grow. When needs arise in the community, we respond as a people grounded in unity, deep commitment to the teachings of Christ, and with a passion for justice. We long to be faithful disciples of Jesus AND growing servants of God. We’d love for you to join us!